Baby Ticker - The Baby Countdown Pregnancy Ticker

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Well Christmas afternoon we started to open up gifts and than we were almost done when Megan said "oh we forgot one" and she ran to the room to get a small wrapped box. Nobody was really paying attention to much and she gave it to tony to unwrap. He opened it and it was a little red onzies that read "who needs Santa when you have grandparents" Tony didn't get it and but Bridgette got it right away and said really your pregnant which made everybody else look and we all got excited and I started to scream and cry and I was very thrilled for megan and ivan. Megan is due in August and they are moving to Germany in February so we will miss them so so much but we have lots of plans to go to Germany to see them. I will try to plan to stay there about a month during August so that I can help with the baby. Or whatever I need to do.
ok i guess the purpose of the blog is to inform everyone of whats happening. the snow has been crazy we received 71'' in the matter of 2 weeks and no one knew what to do with it. So the roads are treacherous and only one lane in most places. Parking is horrible because the snow is in the parking spots because the berms are so high that the snow plows have to keep pushing it out further in the parking lot. We have not seen any flooding personally but lots of standing water everywhere because the temp hit 50* and melted a lot of snow in 2 days. It was amazing how fast the snow disappeared. We had to shovel off the roof of the house because buildings were caving in with all the weight of the snow. We had lots of help it was when Megan and Ivan were here for christmas and John and Bridgette helped also. Any way thats that.

Monday, November 3, 2008

we just went to vancouver, wa this past weekend 11/1/08 for my nieces baby blessing. She named her baby Eva Ann Caldwell.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

first timer

This is my first blog and just checking things out.